Klahanie Homeowners Association 101
The Klahanie Homeowners Association (KHOA) is a nonprofit organization that exists to make certain the covenants are kept and the common areas are well-maintained. Every homeowner is a member of the KHOA, this relationship is clearly spelled out in the papers you signed and received when you purchased your home. These documents create a legal contract between you and the KHOA.
All members have agreed to pay an annual assessment to cover the maintenance and upkeep of all the facilities and the staff to manage the KHOA activities. The current assessment is $1,200 a year and can be paid quarterly at $300.
If you live in a home you are only under the guidance of the KHOA, however, if you live in a condo development, you will have an additional fee paid to your condo HOA to cover maintenance of your building and grounds as well as the KHOA to cover all the common areas and amenities.
What is covered by the HOA dues?
The KHOA covers all common spaces within the 900 acres of Klahanie, except the streets, sidewalks and Klahanie Park that are owned by the City of Sammamish.
As a single-family homeowner, you own your individual home within your property lines and are responsible to the compliance and maintenance of your home and yard in accordance with the guidelines set by the governing documents. See the rules and regulations and CCR documents for more details. For any external modifications on your home please see the Architectural Controls guidelines and application process for any projects you may have upcoming.
Architectural Controls
The KHOA has a special section known as the Compliance Department that works with homeowners to help them understand the structure and responsibilities of living in cooperation with the established covenants that apply to all homes in Klahanie. Our Architectural Controls set out the rules for all exterior home improvement projects.
5 Steps to the Architectural Controls Process
Step 1
Obtain an application from our Klahanie website or pick up a physical copy at the KHOA office.
NEW: You can now submit ACA form online!
Step 2
Complete form - Include your contact Info and a description of the project.
Include a “before” picture, this will fulfill the requirements to the site plan
Include any dimensions, setbacks and relationship to adjacent houses
Include any brochures and materials that support your project
Include neighbor acknowledgement signatures (these are not approvals to your project, but gives notice of the intent of your project).
Step 3
Submit form to architecturalcontrols@klahanie.com or drop it by the main office (The review process takes 3 - 5 business days and you will be contacted by email)
NEW: Click the link under Changes to Your Home or Yard to access the online ACA form!
Step 4
Once approved you will receive your approval confirmation via email and the approval letter and permit will be mailed or available for pick up upon request. Please be sure to display your permit in the window through the duration of your project.
Step 5
For project completion, cancelation or to request an extension, submit the Appendix B form. If you are submitting the form specifically for a completed project, please include a photo of the completed work.
Changes to Your Home or Yard
At some point you may want to make changes in your home paint a different color, repair the fence, add a deck or shed in the backyard, etc. Before you start the work PLEASE do yourself a favor and complete an Architectural Controls Application, or picked up a paper copy in the Association Office. This is the first step in gaining approval of the work you want to have done. The application will either be approved in the office by the Compliance Director, or referred to the ACC committee (consisting of a group of fellow homeowners) for approval or denial you can always attend the meeting. Once approved and your work is completed, submit a digital photo of the completed work with The Completion Form and the process is completed.
What happens when changes to your home are done without AC approval?
Basically, you are on risky grounds. As an example, let's say that you love a brilliant blue color and decide to have your home painted this bright color. You may love it but your neighbors may not. As soon as it is discovered that the work was done without a permit, you will receive both a $200 fine and a Stop Work order. It gets worse when the Baby Blue is not an approved color. What is likely to happen is that you will be required to repaint your home using one of the many approved home colors. Now you have had to paint the home twice and double your painting budget, received a $200 fine when it would have been so easy and cheap to get approval before you started.
What happens if you receive a letter from the Compliance staff asking for your attention to something pertaining to your home or yard?
Compliance Notices and Procedures
It is our goal to encourage compliance without the necessity of imposing fines or taking legal action.
The compliance procedure is as follows:
Step one: Letter of non-compliance
Properties in violation of the governing documents will receive a First Letter of Non-Compliance via mail. This letter will include details of how to rectify the violation and a deadline for resolution. Once compliance has been achieved, it is important to send a photo to compliance@klahanie.com for the violation to be closed.
Step two: Fine Hearing
Failure to comply with step 1 (one) will result in an invitation to a Fine Committee Meeting, where fines may be levied. This notice will be sent via mail.
Step three: Legal action/Loss of Privileges
If a violation persists beyond 30 days from the date of the imposed fine, the Board of Directors may initiate legal action.
Homeowner’s can report non-compliance concerns by contacting the KHOA team directly to compliance@klahanie.com or 425.392.4663 or filling out this form.