As spring approaches, now is the perfect time to tackle common lawn issues before they escalate. Moss and crane flies can wreak havoc on a yard if left unchecked, but with early treatment, you can set your lawn up for success.
Tackling Moss Before It Takes Over
Moss thrives in the cool, damp conditions of late winter and early spring, often spreading quickly and choking out healthy grass. If left alone, it can take over large patches of your yard, creating an uneven, patchy look.
The key to controlling moss is early intervention. Treating it in the spring gives your grass the space and resources it needs to recover and grow strong. It also helps correct underlying issues like soil acidity and compaction, which encourage moss growth in the first place. By addressing the problem now, you’re ensuring a thicker, more resilient lawn in the months ahead.
Stopping Crane Flies Before They Cause Damage
Crane fly larvae, also called leatherjackets, are another major threat to your lawn’s health. These pests feast on grass roots in late winter, weakening your lawn before the growing season begins. They can cause significant damage without intervention, leaving your grass looking thin and vulnerable.
By treating your lawn before the larvae mature, you not only prevent immediate damage but also stop the cycle of adult crane flies emerging and laying more eggs later in the season. Early treatment means fewer pests, stronger grass, and fewer problems as the weather warms up.
How We Treat Our Greenspaces
To tackle both moss and crane fly problems, we use a combination of fertilizers, moss killers, and pest treatments. These applications are carefully timed to be most effective and are safe for your lawn. The process takes just a few days and covers all grass and landscaped areas, including parks and boulevard spaces.
Moss Killer (Ammonium Sulfate): This granular treatment quickly kills moss while addressing soil acidity. Once dry, it’s safe to walk on, and if it rains, the treatment still works its way into the soil effectively. Signs will be posted in treated areas during application.
Crane Fly Treatment (Onyx): This liquid spray targets crane fly larvae before they can do significant damage. As an added benefit, controlling these larvae helps reduce mole activity since they’re a primary food source for moles.
Pre-Emergence Weed Killer/Fertilizer (Trifluralin): Applied to plant beds and flower beds, this treatment prevents weed growth while enriching the soil with essential nutrients. It has a mild organic scent and works over the course of a week, but the treated areas are safe to walk on immediately.
Why Early Lawn Care Matters
Getting ahead of these common lawn problems now means a season of healthier, more beautiful grass. Early treatment not only keeps moss and pests in check but also prevents costly repairs and maintenance later on. Taking action before the growing season kicks into full gear ensures a strong, healthy lawn all year long.