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Fall Black Bear Awareness

American Black Bears are North America's most prevalent bear species, with an estimated population of approximately 20,000 residing in Washington state. Despite their name, these bears exhibit a diverse range of colors, including blond, cinnamon brown, and black. While primarily vegetarian, their diet also includes fish, insects, and carrion, making them omnivores with opportunistic feeding habits, especially in areas near human settlements. During the fall, Black Bears prepare for the winter by entering a state of deep sleep called torpor, although they may wake and move around on mild days.

The ecological significance of Black Bears extends beyond their imposing presence. They play a crucial role in regulating insect populations and contribute to seed dispersal in various ecosystems. A high level of intelligence, curiosity, and a penchant for exploration marks their behavior.

Despite their important ecological role, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) receives around 500 Black Bear complaints each year, with a staggering 95% of these incidents attributed to human negligence. Common issues include people intentionally or unintentionally feeding bears, improper garbage and waste disposal, and inadequate food storage while camping. It's crucial to understand that the adage, "a fed bear is a dead bear," holds true. Feeding bears can lead to their euthanization or relocation, with relocation often causing more harm than euthanasia.

Black Bears can be found throughout Washington State, excluding the interior Columbia Basin. They are adaptable creatures and can even be seen in suburban areas, including residential yards. While they generally prefer forested environments, Black Bears occasionally venture into open areas like clearcuts and other open habitats.

Staying Safe in Bear Country During Fall Months

Staying safe in residential areas where bear sightings are common requires specific precautions. Here's a list of safety measures to keep in mind:

Secure Garbage and Food Waste

  • Use bear-resistant garbage containers if available.

  • Put out trash on the morning of pickup, not the night before.

  • Rinse containers to remove food odors before disposing of them.

  • Consider freezing or storing food scraps until trash pickup day.

Store Pet Food Properly

  • Don't leave pet food outside, especially overnight.

  • Store pet food indoors in airtight containers.

  • Clean Outdoor Grills:

  • Thoroughly clean grills after use to remove any food residue and odors.

  • Store grills in a secure area.

Compost Responsibly

  • Avoid composting food scraps that could attract bears.

  • Use enclosed compost bins or bear-resistant composters.

Fruit Trees and Bird Feeders

  • Harvest fruit from trees as soon as it ripens.

  • Consider using electric fencing around fruit trees.

  • If you have bird feeders, hang them out of reach of bears and take them down at night.

Educate Neighbors

  • Encourage your neighbors to follow bear-safe practices to reduce overall bear attractants in the area.

Bear Awareness

  • Educate yourself and your family about bear behavior and how to respond to bear encounters.

Keep Children and Pets Safe

  • Supervise children and keep pets on a leash or indoors, especially during times of high bear activity.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Have a plan in place for what to do in case of a bear encounter, including how to use bear spray if necessary.

In the event of an immediate public safety issue, wildlife violation, or an injured or dangerous animal, please call the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Enforcement Office at 360-902-2936 or email or call 9-1-1.

For more information, please visit their website here.

Remember that bears are attracted to the scent of food and will often return to areas where they find easy access to it. By taking these precautions and practicing bear-aware habits in residential areas, you can help reduce the risk of bear-human conflicts and safely promote coexistence with these remarkable animals.

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